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Passion Tester
Chain Mail Shirt

Our Museum

Within these walls lies a collection as wondrous as it is bizarre. Snake skins, shed by their original owners, lie alongside weapons that whisper of duels fought at the break of dawn. Bee hives hum with the spectral presence of bees long gone, and Soviet military medals jingle, remnants of a bygone empire.


The taxidermy section is a carnival of the peculiar and the unique. A two-headed calf, a one-eyed lamb, and pigs with oddities are displayed with pride. Among them swims a shark, forever captured in motion, and a self-playing violin serenades the oddities with its lonely tune.

2 headed calf
Native Totem pole
Stuffed Bear in Case


Step into the shadowy corners of Marsh's, where the shrunken heads (a rare trio on the West Coast) leer from their perches, and a human skeleton, plucked from a coastal closet, stands in silent greeting. Here, the macabre dances with the whimsical under the watchful eyes of Jake The Alligator Man, the crowned jewel of oddities.


But don't let Jake steal all your attention; there's a whole menagerie waiting. Have you ever locked eyes with a Yak, a Lioness, a Seca, or a Russian Boar? These creatures, once wild, now watch from walls and rafters, forever frozen in time. And if you dare to explore further, you'll find a two-headed calf, an eight-legged lamb, and countless other curiosities that will make your spine tingle and your heart skip with delight.

Human Skeleton in case
Wasps Nest
Stuffed Lion

Antique Arcade Games


In what other place can you indulge in the thrill of a peep show, swing for the fences in a game of baseball, seek insights into your future from a fortune teller, or measure the intensity of your romantic passions? It's a unique blend of experiences that tantalize the senses and test the heart's deepest feelings.



Dive into a world where history and whimsy collide! Encounter a Roulette Wheel from the Alaskan Gold Rush, peer at Vintage Photographs, and chuckle at quaint Vacuum Cleaners. Try on Wooden Shoes from Holland, marvel at Gas Clothes Irons, and navigate with Oil Lamps. From Rifles to Swords, Drums to Spears, and Paintings to Music Makers, each piece sings a tale of yesteryear, all in one enchanting museum.

knives and swords
various curios
Old player piano
old thresher wheel
various Curios
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